AVERAGE Function

The AVERAGE Function This quick video explains The AVERAGE Function in Excel. Learn to use the AVERAGE function to find the average value in a range of rows and columns. Learn how to highlight the cells to include these in the function and use the ribbon shortcut....

MAX Function

The Max Function This quick video explains The MAX Function in Excel The Microsoft Excel MAX function returns the largest value from the numbers provided. … It can be used as a worksheet function in Excel. The MAX function can be entered as part of a formula in...

MIN Function

The MIN Function This quick video explains the MIN Function in Excel. The MIN function is used when you want to find the lowest value in a range of cells. Learn how to use the MIN function to find the smallest or least value in a range of cells. [et_social_follow...


COUNT COUNTA COUNTBLANK Functions This quick video explains the COUNT Function. Count Counta Countblank Functions. Learn how to use the COUNT functions in Excel to count the number of entries in a cell and learn how not to count blanks or zero values....

Absolute and Relative Referencing Primer

Absolute and Relative Referencing Primer This quick video explains Absolute and Relative Referencing in Excel Absolute and relative references are an important feature in Excel and widely used. The $ symbol is used to denote an Absolute cell reference. Learn the...

Absolute and Relative Referencing – advanced

Absolute and Relative Referencing – Advanced This quick video explains the Advanced Absolute and Relative Referencing in Excel. Learn how to create row and column absolute references and learn additional features of keeping cells absolute or relative to each other –...